A comedy adapted by EP Dowdall from the Hungarian Okat Illatszertar by Miklos Laszio
“…a delightful production of a complex but fascinating play”
Ewen Coleman, Theatreview
“Parfumerie” is a comedy/drama set in a perfume-cosmetic shop in 1937 Hungary. Written by Miklos Laszlo, a playwright and naturalized American citizen born in Hungary. The play centres around not only the amusing tale of the confused young romantic couple, but also seeks to explore the difficulties of career vs. relationship in the story of the shop owner’s troubled marriage.

Performances over two weekends
(note that the Sundays are afternoon sessions)
- Friday 18 August, 7.30pm
- Saturday 19 August, 7.30pm
- Sunday 20 August, 4pm
- Thursday 24 August, 7.30pm
- Friday 25 August, 7.30pm
- Saturday 26 August, 7.30pm
- Sunday 27 August, 4pm